31/01/2010 post by: Jesse Inman
With the weather the way last week, I thought it would be a good idea to write about rainfall (surplus or wealth) and how it affects the grapes/vines. People come and ask me, "all this bad for vine rain?What he will do to them? "Well ….
Climate: we have, in most cases, Mediterranean type of climate. That means we get 70% + rain in autumn/winter our months high temperatures are moderate, low price (A good resource: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/mediterranean_climate).
Grapes/Vines: vine used in winemaking they usually comfortable climate this venifera Vitus, and therefore produce best. The vines dormant during the winter months and are activated by temperature in spring to bud (if we were near the equator, we produced two crops each year-with no dormancy).The grapes themselves most affected by the weather during the period when maturing.Conditions that occur during the dormant season can affect yield (tons of grapes per acre), which has a dramatic effect on the quality of, if not managed properly by the guard of the vineyard. rain too little stress on the vine in reverse, and a lack of fruit crop levels low. can be useful, but only to some extent. rain, cold, Frost, etc.During the blooming of the grapes (each with its own flower has the mulberry) all affect grapes in different ways.
This is a many-to-understand, so if you have any questions relating to General given for explanation, please don't hesitate to ask.
Meghan @ traveleatlove 31/01/2010
Thanks for the explanation is simple, simply!
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